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    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

    Clip Description

    Custom *
    MODELS: Judy, Nata, Max
    Office, Office white blouses, office white shirts, office black skirts, black pantyhose, black stockings, shoes with high heels, glasses, spectacles
    Cord strangulation, garroting, choking, strangling in the office, agony, death stare, trying to escape, stabbing from behind, knife between breasts, knife between tits, blood, gore, shock reaction, death with tongue out, postmortem stripping, necro stripping, exotic dead poses, full nude

    Judy and Nata are smartly dressed business women in an office. Both wear glasses and have their hair up. As they work at their computers we see medium close-ups of their faces. The phone rings. Judi answers, nods and says "OK". "The boss wants to see us" she tells Nata. They exchange a concerned look to each other. They walk to the boss's office. He tells them he has worrying news. Someone has been selling information to their rivals. They must find out who has betrayed the company and the traitor must be punished. Again Judy and Nata exchange a look. The boss tells Nata to fetch some papers from another part of the building and Judy to return to her desk to look through some computer records.

    Judy returns to her office. She looks tense as she sits at her computer. Her boss comes in. He tells her there is no need to worry, he has found who the traitor is. It is Miss Volkov A look of relief comes over Judy’s face. But then he says: "But it wasn’t just one person Miss Petrov. It was two. You have also betrayed us and you must pay the penalty." Judy protests that she's innocent but the boss moves towards her threateningly. "What are you doing?" she cries. Then she sees him produce a cord. She shakes her head - please no -as he brings the cord towards her neck. Suddenly he wraps it round. Jude's eyes widen in shock. Her hands reach up to her neck as she desperately struggles. The boss moves behind her chair to get a better grip. Her eyes are full of panic, fear and agony. In the struggle, and as she claws at her neck and his arms, her blouse falls open and a little later one of her breasts falls out of her bra.

    After a long struggle she begins to weaken. The boss moves to the front again. He wants to see her final moments. Judy looks up at him, her eyes are in despair, pleading for mercy. He tightens the cord even more. Her eyes bulge, they go cross-eyed, her toungue shoots fully out. She is going. She knows it. She realises she is about to die. Her body twitches for the last time and then she is still. Her face is frozen in a look of total surprise, her eyes very wide, her mouth open in an O shape. The boss gazes at her dead body in the chair. He pulls her bra down, exposing both her breasts. Then he leaves.

    Nata comes in. She tells Judy they have to leave immediately. Then she sees Judy's body. In panic she turns to escape. The boss appears and grabs at her, causing her blouse to fall open. She gets away and runs down a corridor and into another room, closing the door. Her back is against the door to keep it closed. She listens for sounds. She can't hear anything. Perhaps he has gone. Suddenly Nata’s eyes and mouth widen in shock. She lets out a terrible cry, her body shakes, her eyes bulge, roll and go cross eyed, her tongue shoots out. She is in agony and disbelief. After a while her body stops shaking. Her senses are scrambled but through the agony and shock she finally realises what has happened. She slowly looks down. The metal tip of a blade is protruding from between her breasts. She has been impaled through the door. She is horrified. She gasps and groans, eyes rolling in agony. The boss appears in front of her, watches her contorted, stupid expression, enjoys the fact that she is looking at him in fear and desperation, and that he will be the last thing she sees. Her final expression is a death stare of total shock, eyes very wide and cross eyed, her tongue fully protruding. She is still upright, pinned to the door. He pulls off her clothes. Then he brings in Judy's body, now fully naked, and places it at the feet of Nata's upright dead body, her face looking up at Nata. The camera surveys their naked bodies and shocked stares of death. The traitors have paid the penalty.

    Blood Heel (Dark Rooms)
    Persecution Mania

    *The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!
    You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!

    Clip Duration:      20 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4661.38 MB

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    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

    Crime House - OFFICE TRIATORS

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